A Photonics Explorer: sponsorship campaign emerges in Finland!

A Photonics Explorer: sponsorship campaign emerges in Finland!
Finland is known of its vast technological prowess especially in silicon photonics and manufacturing high-quality optical components, systems, and instruments. Recently, Photonics Finland carried out a business survey of the Finnish photonics industry in 2020, and the results indicate that the field is growing extremely rapidly, exceeding the anticipations of the previous survey conducted in 2016. It is therefore imminent that, as the field of photonics grows in Finland, more and more highly trained experts are needed to satisfy the industrial and academic needs of the (near) future.
To answer the demand for talented human resources and to inspire young students for studying STEM-related fields and especially photonics, the Finnish Photonics Flagship PREIN and Photonics Finland have started a Photonics Explorer Kit – sponsorship campaign: Finnish companies and private persons are sought to sponsor kits to schools, and for each sponsored kit, PREIN & Photonics Finland answer by sponsoring one more kit each. Schools without a sponsor can also join the campaign and show their interest in receiving a Photonics Explorer Kit. The amount of kits in Finland is expected to be at least doubled from the original 80 of previous efforts!

The campaign started on the International Day of Light on 16.5.2020, and various articles and a promotional video have been released to spread the news. Numerous sponsors have already been found both from private and corporate sectors, and the amount of required kits is skyrocketing!
The campaign can be joined at the PEK-website of the University of Eastern Finland:
https://www3.uef.fi/en/web/photonics/photonics-explorer-kit (In Finnish)
The future of Finland shines bright with the Photonics Explorer Kit!